GATE Physical Classes

GATE Architecture & Planning 2025 Coaching

KP GATE Classes is India’s best GATE Architecture & Planning Coaching with more than 10+ years of experience. The Regular Classroom Course for GATE Architecture & Planning Exam is designed for comprehensive preparation. All the courses were designed by India’s Top Architecture Faculty Team led by Mr. R H Chander.

The main feature of the course is that all subjects are taught from basic to advanced levels, by highly experienced professors from IIT’s and GATE toppers which is why Career Avenues is regarded as the best GATE Architecture coaching in India. In our GATE Architecture classes, due emphasis is given to solving objective and numerical questions in class.

The course structure will be divided into three sections, the Common part, Architecture & Planning part. Students can opt according to their choice. To run GATE Architecture classes in the best possible manner, KP Classes team has developed a very effective teaching methodology and advanced techniques to face competitive examinations, this enables aspirants to solve questions with full accuracy in the given time frame.

The total teaching hours needed for comprehensive coverage of GATE batches are approximately 450 to 500 hrs. High-quality study material is provided in the classroom course with sufficient theory and practice test papers for objective and conventional questions along with regular assignments for practice.

New Batch Starts Every Week

Course Features

  • Both Weekdays and Weekend Batches are available at Malviya Nagar New Delhi center
  • Classes are taken by a highly experienced faculty team
  • Concept building from basics along with a special focus on a Numerical solving approach
  • Regular practice and doubt sessions
  • 150+ Sectional Tests to ascertain the progress
  • Comprehensive Study material having structured syllabus
  • More Then 4000+ Practice Question in our test series
  • Full GATE Mocks to give exam like experience

Note : For Printed material in place of Online INR 5000/- is additional fee in all courses.

Fee Structure

CourseCourse FeeHoursEnroll
GATE Architecture Classroom Program (Weekend) ₹59,500/- (Including GST)3-6 HoursENROLL NOW
GATE Architecture Classroom Program (Regular) ₹65000/- (Including GST)3-4 HoursENROLL NOW

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